About the 3D Printing Centre
Among others, the hospital pharmacy, oral and maxillofacial surgery, trauma surgery and orthopaedics as well as paediatric cardiac medicine are involved in the 3D centre. They use 3D printing technology to produce anatomical models for hard and soft tissue, such as models of bone fractures or the human heart. The three-dimensional models can be used to precisely plan operations. In addition, the models from the 3D printer also support communication between doctors and patients, because they can be used to clearly explain diseases, treatments and surgical interventions. This can lead to better surgical results and increased patient satisfaction. A total of nine different medical and pharmaceutical departments of the UKE are currently members of the 3D Centre. Members of the UC3D .
Areas of the UKE that are not members of the 3D Printing Centre can also benefit from the innovative technology. In cooperation with the UC3D, doctors and scientists from all areas of the UKE can design and produce three-dimensional objects according to their own ideas and needs. The UC3D provides the necessary software and hardware. The experts for 3D printing in medicine and pharmacy at the university 3D centre provide information, advice and support for colleagues from all disciplines at the hospital. In addition, there are cooperations with external partners.
Our Services
The services of the University Centre for 3D Printing at a glance:
- Production of 3D printed anatomical models, surgical instruments and drugs for research, teaching and in future also for patient care
- Advice and support in 3D technology for innovative, forward-looking research projects
- Interdisciplinary networking, including clinical and non-clinical areas (such as surgery and medical informatics)
Our Aim
Our Board
PD Dr. Konrad Mader (Chair)Priv.-Doz. Dr. med.Konrad Mader
- Sektionsleiter Hand-, Unterarm- und Ellenbogentraumatologie
- Facharzt für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie, spezielle Unfallchirurgie, Handchirurgie
- Medical Specialist in General Surgery
Main Building O10 , 2nd Floor -
PD Dr. Claudia Langebrake (Vice chair)Priv.-Doz. Dr.Claudia Langebrake
- Fachapothekerin für Klinische Pharmazie, Medikationsmanagement
- Head of research group
N19 , 1st Floor -
Prof. Dr. Dr. Ralf SmeetsProf. Dr. med. Dr. med. dent.Ralf Smeets
- Leiter der Sektion Regenerative Orofaziale Medizin
- Leiter der Forschung MKG
- Medical Specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Specialist Dentist in Oral Surgery
- Heisenberg Professur für “Regenerative Orofaziale Medizin” (DFG)
Main Building O10 -
PD Dr. Thorsten FrenzelPriv.-Doz. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. med.Thorsten Frenzel
- Medical specialist
- Medical Specialist in Radiotherapy
O26 , Semi Basement -
Dr. Philipp SchneiderDr. med.Philipp Schneider
- Fachärztliche Bereichsleitung Kinderherzkatheter
- Medical Specialist in Pediatrics and Youth Medicine, with focus on Childrens' Cardiology
- Specialized cardiology for adults with congenital heart defects
O47 , 2nd Floor