Open Calls

Please refer to the following table for the currently open calls.

For your project application please use the link "Application Instructions" in the table.

Funding lineFunding blocksCall for applicationsDeadline
Interdisciplinary Partner LaboratoryTranslational project: Team of Clinician Scientist (50%) & Medical Scientist (Postdoc)Currently no open call.-
Short term funding Clinician Scientist
(4-12 months, 50% research release)
Establishment of methods/start of new project Application Instructions Next Deadline: September 8, 2024

Earliest start of funding: December 1, 2024
Latest end of funding: December 31, 2025
Pilot experiment or preclinical experiment (to prepare grant applications or publications)
Clinical study
Start up funding after parental leave
Protected research time (50%) Clinician Scientist
(2 years)
Clinical studyCurrently no open call.-
Innovative research project
Cooperation project with external partner
Medical Scientist (2 years)
Cooperation project with external/internal partnerCurrently no open call.-
Career Boost Fellowship for advanced MS and CSFunding for advanced MS and CS for max. 12 months in the maximum amount of € 100,000 to establish scientific independence Application Instructions Deadline: September 8, 2024

Earliest start of funding: December 1, 2024
Latest end of funding: December 31, 2025

If you have any questions concerning the calls, please feel free to contact Dr. Inga Melzer ( or ) at any time. We are happy to help!

UCCH Research Fellowship

At this point, we would also like to mention the UCCH Research Fellowship, which allows junior physicians (usually in their second to fifth year of clinical training) to be released from their clinical duties for one year to conduct a cancer-related research project in the laboratory. For further information, please contact Dr. Natascha Kömm ( ). The deadline for UCCH Research Fellowships 2025 will be announced here in early 2024. Participation in the UCCH Retreat on July 12/13, 2024 in Reinstorf is mandatory in case of application.

CONNECT Grants 2024

To strengthen the joint collaboration with the University Cancer Center Schleswig-Holstein (UCCSH) and the networking of early career researchers, the CONNECT (Cooperative NORD-Networking for Early Career Teams) grant for early career teams from both locations is being announced for the third time. This initiative is supported by the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein as well as the Mildred-Scheel-Nachwuchszentrum (MSNZ) Hamburg, which is funded by German Cancer Aid.

Find an appropriate partner (Medical or Clinician Scientist) from the respective other location (HH-Kiel or HH-Lübeck) and send us your joint project idea until September 8, 2024. The project idea should ideally be located in one of the research focus areas of UCCH (to be found under " Research ") and UCCSH . Epidemiological projects and projects in health services research are eligible to apply as well as molecular biology-translational projects. The maximum funding per project is € 50,000 (distributed equally between both sites). The project duration is from January to December 2025. Funding of your own position is excluded.

Here, you can find the detailed application instructions and a template for your application.

We are looking forward to receiving your applications! If you need help with the application or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at or !