Coordination project
The coordination project SOMA.CORE connects all subprojects within SOMACROSS. It builds a frame for the Research Unit 5211 by supporting and aligning the subprojects towards the core question of how symptoms become persistent. The SOMA.CORE team consists of the SOMACROSS speaker Prof. Dr. med. Dipl.-Psych. Bernd Löwe and an interdisciplinary team.
The main aim of SOMA.CORE is the coordination of the Research Unit and all tasks overarching the subprojects. Among this are effective project communication, management of central resources, biosample collection and processing, the support of early career researchers and equal opportunities and public relations. Regarding scientific insights, SOMA.CORE will work together with the Z-project on transdiagnostic questions.
Working programme
Besides the development and organization of the Research Unit infrastructure, SOMA.CORE‘s ongoing task is the management of central resources and the monitoring of project milestones. The coordination team structures and fosters the communication between all researchers and assures the involvement of both the Advisory Board and the Mercator Fellow. Regarding the biosample collection, SOMA.CORE manages and processes the samples, including its storage in the cryo facility of the UKE. In addition, we assist the Z-project in establishing the electronic data base and together we developed a data protection concept.
For supporting early career researchers different activities have been initiated: an interdisciplinary seminar series, yearly research retreats, the organisation of a mentoring programme, the bestowal of mini grants and measures for fostering equal opportunities. As to public relations, SOMA.CORE developed a corporate design, created this homepage, organizes the representation of SOMACROSS on external and internal scientific events, contributes to the distribution of results and assures patient involvement, e.g. by hosting a patient day at the UKE.
Once the data collection is finished, SOMA.CORE will focus on transdiagnostic research questions, especially on biopsychosocial mechanisms of symptom persistence across disorders. Building on this, the coordination project will prepare and coordinate the proposal for a second funding phase.